Customer Growth - Blau is an acquisition marketing agency, growing customer relationships in financial, technology, healthcare, and several other business and consumer categories.
Led by marketing legend, Peter Blau, we’re responsible for driving billions of dollars in new business for global brands and startups, including:
What is Acquisition Marketing?
The traditional Madison Avenue advertising model is mainly relevant to the “CPG” world — consumer products sold in a bricks & mortar store. But services, B-to-B, and practically the whole internet economy, rely on a different model: acquiring customers and selling to them directly.
What makes it different?
Call-to-action. Acquisition marketing generates an immediate and measurable lead or order, not just preference and desire to buy.
Targeting. Because the objective is effecting a response, acquisition marketers select media by propensity to respond, not simply by the demographics they reach.
Demonstration. Rather than assuming a consumer is familiar with a product or service, effective acquisition advertising demonstrates what it does, who it benefits, and why it’s better than the competition.
What are some examples?
What we Do
Cherry-Pick The Best Prospects
We booked $4 billion in student loan refis for a fintech lender by targeting graduates with high loan balances and good credit.
What We Do.
Develop Compelling Content Offers
Our lead generation offers for a leading wealth management firm — featuring financial education content we researched and wrote — lifted response up to 74%
What WE Do
Forge Marketing Partnerships
We paired American Express and Exelon’s Constellation energy unit to open the $200 billion power and gas category to credit card auto-billing for the first time.